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Build a Composting Toilet: Information and Plans

How to Build a Composting Toilet
If you are looking for a way to lessen your ecological footprint and participate positively in solutions to improve the environment, then you should seriously consider switching from a flush toilet to a composting toilet system.  Flush toilets waste enormous amounts of water each year, but composting toilets operate with little or no water and their end product (compost) is a valuable soil amendment as well.

However, one downside of switching to composting toilets is that the manufactured brands can be quite expensive – generally starting around $1500 for a basic, no-frills model.  However, it is possible to build a composting toilet on your own for well under $50 in materials.
Owner built (also called site built) composting toilets are generally passive in design – meaning they rely on natural instead of mechanical forces.  Since they do not have a built in electrical unit, they will need to be monitored more closely than manufactured composting toilets and involve more labor in terms of their care and maintenance (more on this below, in the section “How to Use Your New Composting Toilet”).  However, some would say that with this responsibility comes a reward including an intimate knowledge of how your body is literally recycling waste positively into the environment.
This project will only take a few hours once all items needed to build it are assembled.  The finished composting toilet will be 18” wide and 21” long.
Materials You Will Need to Build a Composting Toilet
  • Four to five identical 5 gallon buckets with lids
  • A standard sized toilet seat
  • A hinged plywood top for the seat to rest on made of 3/4” plywood.  The main portion of the top should measure 18” by 18”, attached with hinges to a 3”x18” board
  • A box for the plywood top (and seat) to rest on, measuring 18 by 21 inches in width, and 10” deep.  This can be built from two 10”x18”x1” boards and two 10”x21”x1” boards screwed together.
  • Four legs to be attached to the box (3/4” x 3” x 12”) using screws (or a nail and hammer).
You will need to cut a top in the plywood where the seat hole is (draw a circle to cut out using the seat as a template on the top of the composting toilet).  The hole should be set about 1 ½ inches back from the front edge of the plywood.   When screwing or nailing the legs to the inside of the box, be sure that the top edge of the box is about 1/2” below the top edge of the five gallon bucket, so that the rim will sit tight against the underside of the toilet seat.

How to Use Your New Composting Bucket
Now that you have finished your composting toilet, it’s ready to use.  Well, yes, technically, but there are some additional materials you will need to keep the composting process in order:
1) A Compost Bin. Unlike most manufactured, active designs where the composting process takes place inside a chamber attached to the toilet, when you build a composting toilet based on the above passive design, you will have to transport it to a composting bin outdoors for it to undergo the composting process. 

You may want to locate this composting bin in your garden next to your normal garden composting pile, and you may need more than one bin if there are many people in your household.  For more information about purchasing or building your own composting bin, visit
The Composting Toilet Website.
2) Organic “Brown Matter.” This will be used to cover your “deposits” when using the toilet in order to create a balanced compost formula. This can be sawdust, peat moss, leaves, hay straw, rice hulls or any other relatively dry and brown organic matter.
You want to ensure that your composting toilet creates a nutrient-rich compost that is clean and odor-free (this finished compost is often referred to as “humanure”).  To create this, you will need to ensure that whenever anyone uses the toilet, they sprinkle the organic brown matter on top.  The material in the bucket should be moist, but not wet.
Once a bucket is fully, you will need to transport it outside to your composting bin, while placing an empty five gallon bucket in the toilet to replace the full one.  In my experience, people often wait until they have three or four full containers (depending how many they have in reserve) to do all the emptying and cleaning at once. 

This is not a terribly pleasant task, although it is also not as unpleasant as you might imagine it to be as well.  Be sure to cover the emptied waste with additional brown material, and to clean the buckets well so that no odors will linger.  You should not need to turn this material, and it should compost on its own to create a rich humus material in six months to a year.
For additional information and articles about composting toilets, please return to the Toilet Composting Home Page.  I hope you have found this information about how to build a composting toilet to be useful.

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